Your career Journey starts here
West Bengal University of Animal & Fishery Sciences was established on 2nd January, 1995 vide West Bengal University of Animal & Fishery Sciences Act – 1995 to impart education, training and to conduct research in veterinary and animal sciences, dairy sciences and fishery sciences and also to cater the needs of the farming community of the State of West Bengal. Prior to this, Veterinary education in the State was imparted by Bengal Veterinary College, a premier Institution of the country which was established in the year 1893. It was the second oldest veterinary college in the country and the College was expanded, enriched and functioned under the University of Calcutta until 1974. In 1974, the College was merged with Bidhan Chandra Krishi Vishwavidyalaya situated at Mohanpur, district Nadia, as Faculty of Veterinary and Animal. During this period the University has been recognized as one of the leading institutions of the country to uplift the socio-economical status of farmers. The research, extension and farm activities of the University are organized through the Directorate of Research, Extension & Farms of the University.
Central Library – It is well-equipped with all modern facilities and resources in the form of books, print journals(National and international), online journals, CD-ROMs, standards, theses, reports etc. A total of over Seventeen thousand books cater to the needs of the students in the domain of engineering & technology, sciences & business management. The Library has a book bank for students of the University. The Library has a separate internet section consisting of a number of networked terminals for providing recent and most comprehensive access to e-journals and other e-reference resources to the faculty, students, staff under Intranet and Internet environments.
Placement Cell – It centrally handles campus placement of the graduate and post-graduate students of the university. Arrangements for pre-placement talks, written tests, interviews, group etc. are made as per the requirements of the organisations. Recruiting agencies include different NGOs, Feed industry, Food processing industry, milk federations, veterinary biological production industry, pharmaceuticals. A good number of students are getting placement in an increasing trend every year.
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