Your career Journey starts here
IIT Bombay, established in 1958, is a premier technical institute located in Mumbai, India. It was created through an act of Parliament and is recognized as a university with the ability to award its own degrees. With a campus spanning 200 hectares, the Institute is situated in a picturesque setting with scenic lakes and hills. The Institute received substantial assistance from the USSR through the UNESCO from 1956 to 1973, including equipment, expert services, fellowships, and additional aid. It offers a wide range of degrees, including B.Tech, Dual Degree, M.Sc, M.Tech, MDes, MMgmt, MPhil, and PhD. IIT Bombay is one of the largest and second-oldest campuses of the Indian Institutes of Technology system.
Undergraduate Programs
Dual Degree
Postgraduate Programs
2 Year M.Sc.
Master of Management.
M.Sc. & Ph.D. Dual Degree.
PGDIIT (Post Graduate Diploma of Indian Institute of Technology) (PGDIIT at KReSIT).
Research Programs
CRNTS – Centre for Research in Nanotechnology & Science (CRNTS) at IIT Bombay, has over 45 faculty members from 9 different departments/schools. They are working together in the broad areas of Nanotechnology, with support from various government agencies are private industries. This research has resulted in over 400 high quality publications in the last 5 years in international journals and conference proceedings and a large number of patents. Know more – http://www.iitb.ac.in/~crnts/
CASDE – Centre for Aerospace Systems Design and Engineering (CASDE). The Centre is funded through a grant-in-aid project by Aeronautics Research and Development Board. Know more – http://www.casde.iitb.ac.in/aboutus/
CC – Computer Centre (CC) provides computational facilities to all users in the institute. Eligible students, staff and faculty from all Departments, Schools and Centres in the campus can obtain accounts on the High End Systems. CC provides electronic mail, world wide web, DNS, FTP and other services. CC also provides various advanced and special purpose software’s such as Ansys, Matlab etc for all the campus users. Know more – http://www.cc.iitb.ac.in/
C-DEEP – Centre for Distance Engineering Education Programme(C-DEEP) was started by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay with the express aim of providing high quality distance education in engineering and science to a large number of participants throughout the country and abroad. http://www.cdeep.iitb.ac.in/
CESE – Centre for Environmental Science and Engineering(CESE) is designed to address the needs and challenges of major industrial sectors, governmental sectors, like MHRD, MOEF, CSIR, DST, AICTE, international agencies like WB, UNDP/ UNEP, UNIDO and various funding institutions. Know more – http://www.cese.iitb.ac.in/
CSRE – Centre of Studies in Resources Engineering (CSRE) has been actively involved in developing Remote Sensing technology and its application to natural resources management and Environmental monitoring. The Centre also has done pioneering work in the area of Geographical Information System (GIS) development in the country. http://www.csre.iitb.ac.in/
CFDVS – Centre for Formal Design and Verification of Software (CFDVS)
CTARA – Centre for Technology Alternatives for Rural Areas (CTARA) has been set up with the broad aim of carrying out R&D activities in the area of quality software development with special focus on formal verification techniques for safety-critical applications. http://www.cfdvs.iitb.ac.in/
SAIF – Sophisticated Analytical Instrument Facility (SAIF) – SAIF, IIT Bombay houses a variety of major analytical instruments which are operated and maintained by a dedicated and qualified group of Scientists and Engineers. Know more – http://www.rsic.iitb.ac.in/
Location – IIT Bombay is located at Powai, which is an eastern suburb in the North-Eastern part of Mumbai. Location Map
Residential Facilities – The hostels are numbered from 1 through 13, with Hostel 10 (under-graduate and post-graduate) and Hostel 11 (post-graduate) specially reserved for women. Tansa House is a housing complex exclusively for the single male project staff. It is the smallest hostel in IIT Bombay with 128 rooms. The Tulsi House is meant for married research scholars. Apart from these, few students also reside in Type -1 quarters, Vihar House, QIP quarters and DRDO building which are situated in the campus.
Corrosion Science & Engineering.
Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (IEOR).
Systems and Control Engineering.
Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management.
Kanwal Rekhi School of Information Technology (KReSIT, now merged with CSE).
QIP – The Government of India launched the Quality Improvement Program (QIP) in the year 1970. One of the main objectives of the Program is to upgrade the expertise and capabilities of the faculty members of the degree-level engineering institutions in the country. The Program is now being implemented and monitored by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE – A Statutory Body of the Government of India). Know more – http://www.iitb.ac.in/~qip/main.html
Computer Facilities – The Computer Aided Design Centre with its own mini computers and work stations, supplemented by additional computing facilities, caters to CAD activity in Chemical Engineering and Metallurgical Engineering. Research groups like VLSI Design, CAD/CAM also have computing facilities which are accessible to other departments for development activities.
Research – Faculty members from IIT Bombay undertake industry sponsored research and consultancy projects that are made available through the institute. These are funded by various national agencies like the Department of Science and Technology, Department of Electronics, Department of Space, Aeronautical Development Agency, Department of Atomic Energy, and Oil and Natural Gas Commission (ONGC). Many are also working on missions of national importance. A few projects are also being funded by international agencies.
Awards – Each year, students finishing at the top of their class are awarded Institute Silver Medals at the convocation Ceremony. Students finishing with the highest GPA in the entire institute are awarded President of India Gold Medals.
Sports – The institute has a swimming pool; football, hockey and cricket grounds; and tennis, basketball, squash and volleyball courts.
SAC – The institute has a Students’ Activity Centre (SAC) for various cultural and other extracurricular activities.
Mood Indigo – The annual cultural festival Mood Indigo is held in the month of December and is supposedly the largest of its kind in Asia. The most attractive feature of this 4-day event are the competitions, exhibitions, games and musical concerts.
Techfest – The annual Science & Technology festival of IIT Bombay, Techfest is held in the month of January every year. It comprises various events like competitions, exhibits and talks from guest speakers from around the world. Techfest 2009 was also the first event of its kind in India to conduct its events in other countries.
Alumni – IIT Bombay Heritage Fund (IITBHF) and IIT Bombay Alumni Association (IITBAA) are the two official organizations for alumni of IIT Bombay. Alumni Fund of IIT Bombay, and helped fund major infrastructure projects and new schools on campus including the Kanwal Rekhi School of Information Technology (KReSIT), Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management (SJSOM) and key projects such as the renovation of the hostels (dormitories) on campus. Alumni homepage – http://www.iitb.ac.in/alumni.html
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